Time for an iPad post acquisition update. iPad is the best thing since sliced, I mean organic, bread!
Not only did my iPad steer me to a mediation located in a maze like part of town after I missed my exit, but it kept me both informed (email,google and safari for quick research) and entertained (USA Today, AP, NPR, and even Plants vs Zombies) during the inevitable dead time while the mediator bounced between sides.
This is a great tool for the everyday activities of any mobile attorney. Email is so much easier to receive and to answer. The keyboard is simple to use and more accurate than thumbing a phone. You can actually write not only blogs but actual documents with some ease. That being said, it is not formatting friendly. I still need to figure out how to actually work in a document in a format that will be useable by client and attorney. I am unlikely to write a Franchise Disclosure Document on an iPad any time soon, much less the more complex franchise agreement.
I can however review documents emailed to me in various formats, e.g. Word, Excel and .PDF which has proved very useful with an often mobile practice.
The “apps” are fun to explore and many are quite useful. I am currently working on planning a project using mind mapping with an app called iThink. It has proved helpful and is a quick visual reminder of all the pieces and how I think they should fit.
And naturally, the Internet is at my fingertips 24/7. Social media, information, shopping, research. And did I mention Plants v. Zombies?